Complaints and refunds


The basis and extent of the Seller’s liability to the Customer, if the purchased product has a physical or legal defect (warranty), are governed by the generally applicable provisions of law, in particular by the Civil Code (in particular Articles 56-576 of the Civil Code). For Sales Agreements entered into before 24 December 2014, the basis and extent of the Seller’s liability to the Customer who is a natural person and who purchases the Product for non-professional or non-business purposes, in the event of the non-compliance of the product with the Sales Agreement, are subject to the generally applicable provisions of law, in particular to the Law of 27 July 2002 on the special conditions of consumer sale and on the amendment of the Civil Code (Journal of Laws 2002, item 141, point 1176, as amended).

The Seller is obliged to supply the Customer with a Product free of defects. Detailed information about the Seller's liability for defects in the Product and Customer's rights are set forth on the Internet Shop website in the complaint information tab.

Complaints may be made by the Customer, for example:

in writing to: ul. Braci Kobylańskich 41, 26-340 Drzewica;

in electronic form by e-mail to:

The Customer is advised to include in the description of the complaint: (1) any information and the circumstances related to the subject matter of the complaint, in particular the nature and date of the occurrence of the defect; (2) demanding the means by which to bring the Product into compliance with the Sales Agreement or the statement of price reduction or withdrawal from the Sale Agreement; and (3) the contact details of the person making the complaint - this will facilitate and accelerate the handling of the complaint by the Seller. The requirements given in the preceding sentence take the form of a recommendation only and do not affect the effectiveness of the complaints submitted without the recommended description of the complaint.